Questions to ask your midwife
What is your philosophy about cesarean section? Episiotomy? Forceps birth? Use of drugs and anesthesia?
Do you require or recommend prenatal testing and sonograms?
Do you have a college degree?
Did you graduate from a nationally accredited midwifery education program?
Are you licensed to practice?
Did your midwifery education require preparation in core sciences such as biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, psychology, sociology, epidemiology/statistics, pathophysiology, and nutrition?
How will you determine if I am an appropriate candidate for midwifery care and what will happen if I need the care of a physician?
Are you prepared to provide well-woman and gynecological care, including screening for common health problems and writing prescriptions?
Have you passed a national certification examination?
Are you certified by the ACNM Certification Council?
What role will my birth partner play?
How much time do you allot to each prenatal visit, and how long is a typical wait in the anteroom?
These questions are aimed at helping you evaluate the credentials and standards of practice for your midwife. For more information about selecting a midwife, visit